
Shelly - 英國學生宿舍 (2)

Shelly 之前打算在英國買學生宿舍,不過之後卻因為合約內有些地方原來是不保障的,所以她就取消了買學生宿舍的計劃。以下是她最新的情況及她的觀點。


Hi all, 

I've just arrived in the UK last Saturday and now in Canterbury, Kent my daughter home for a week. 

I'd like to share some points of my view on student accommodation around here. I'm no regret to quit such purchase even that property is not here because student accommodation market is also pushing here but it seems not fully accommodated although 4 universities over here in Canterbury.

We'll move to London next Sunday the top property market area, where the zone 3 I'll rent one double room first and let daughter settle down as she's just finished post-graduated master degree and looking for an opportunity. It's very hard to find a satisfied room all over London it costs £660 per month with all bills included.

Anyway, UK is that good and easy living as I thought in HK. I'll update what is my view as possible as I can.



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